Why choose Businessmap?

  • Rated A+ by schools
  • ONE price!
  • More than 25 years’ experience
  • Millions in awards
  • Long term clients
  • Supports disbursement process
  • Successful appeals

...because Businessmap is your advocate

  • Businessmap is a full service Erate consulting service specializing in small districts.
  • Many schools don’t have a dedicated staff who can add Erate to their already busy schedules. Did you know that the Erate program requires an 18-month process for one funding year? This is why you need a consultant who is an expert and is always looking for the most cost-effective solution.
  • Many of our clients have been with us more than 15 years. Businessmap has a ONE price fee! This has been a big hit with the schools as it allows them to easily budget the expense. Our schools have received millions of dollars in awards because of our partnerships.
  • Businessmap is a long-time member of the Erate Professional Management Association dedicated to promoting excellence and ethics in Erate.

Businessmap is your advocate!

Jo Neal, President, is an expert in technology strategic planning, project management and network architecture. She started Businessmap in 1999 specializing in technology plan development and implementation. With a degree in secondary education, the Erate program was a perfect fit for the company. In our business, the client is #1! Businessmap is service oriented and is proactive in helping schools maximize Erate funding and investigate other funding sources. Over 60% of our clients have been with us for more than five years.

We promise to provide expertise and superior service.

Eileen Neal Bundy, Vice President, is an expert in relationship marketing and project management. Eileen has won many awards for her work as entrepreneur. She serves on several companies’ Board of Directors. Eileen’s skills allow her to work with the client from the first phone call to the last cent disbursed. Eileen was responsible for the enrollment at a startup charter school. Ask her how she had 95% of the students show up the first day.

...because Businessmap supports the entire Erate process

  • Technology plan development
  • Collection of information for the 470 application
  • Point person for vendor inquiries
  • Supports school during contract process
  • Completes 471 application
  • Handles ALL administrative work for disbursements
  • Handles Program Integrity Review questions

The Erate program is the core business of Businessmap. What makes Businessmap unique is the service. Throughout the Erate process we work with school administrators to support their strategic initiatives.

The company was founded by its President, Jo Neal, to deliver strategic planning and network architecture planning to schools and businesses. With a degree in secondary education Jo began working with schools to help take breakdown their initiatives to meaningful projects. Erate began as a meaningful funding source.

We promise to provide expertise and superior service.